Truvelo (UK) offers its services as a development partner
Truvelo (UK) offers its services as a development partner where new safety monitoring and enforcement applications need technological solutions. UK-originated research and development has already seen the application of artificial intelligence, the creation of speed-detection systems based on acoustic technology, solutions to detect illegal mobile phone use and the non-wearing of seatbelts. Both Home Office Type-Approved (HOTA) and non-HOTA solutions will be considered.Examples include:
Locomotive speed monitoring
This retrofit solution is currently in operation on locomotives at a major UK steelworks, where a private rail network and a road network intersect at a number of unmanned crossings. It provides the operator with an additional means of ensuring on-site speed compliance, as it enables the movements of all types of vehicles to be accurately monitored.
A future iteration of this solution will add GPS tracking, a link to Truvelo’s VMS back office solution and video monitoring.
In-vehicle video
This solution adds front, rear, driver and passenger-facing cameras to a vehicle. It provides secondary, contextual evidence in support of the vehicle’s onboard speed camera, with digital overlay of additional information including GPS coordinates.
Acoustic camera
These are side-mounted on enforcement vehicles. They provide additional information on the engine noise generated by the vehicles being observed. This information has a two-fold purpose: it corroborates vision-based evidence of speeding; and it also can detect illegal/non type-approved exhaust systems which are committing noise offences. Vehicle owners can be traced and obliged to submit to inspections.