Increasing the options
Truvelo (UK) adds Automated Community Speed Watch to local authorities’ range of choices, and opens its internal civil engineering capabilities to other organisations.
Truvelo (UK) is expanding the range of options available to local authorities looking to address speed infringements. At the same time, the company is opening use of its comprehensive range of in-house civil engineering capabilities to other public- and private-sector organisations.
Automated Community Speed Watch (ACSW) combines the company’s VIA-Cam radar speed camera with lamp-column mounting or off-grid wind and solar power and wireless connectivity. It enables Community Speed Watch operations to go on without the need for a human presence at the roadside. This increases individual safety, reduces the subjectivity of personal involvement, and provides a 24-hour capability in all light conditions.
ACSW provides a further, intermediary step between the use of speed information display signs to give motorists real-time feedback on their driving performance and full speed enforcement using Home Office Type-Approved camera systems. It is already in operation in Hertfordshire, where it is having a very positive effect on road users’ compliance levels.
For 30 years, Truvelo (UK) has been unique in having its own in-house civil engineering capabilities. The company’s operatives are fully trained to implement traffic management and work in live road environments, and as well as providing installation services also operate on a 24-hour response basis in the case of damage to cameras and other systems caused by traffic incidents or vandalism.
Types of installation work include enforcement/compliance and other detection and monitoring systems, along with the associated road geometry and markings changes. Electric vehicle charge points and barrier systems can also be catered for and a particular specialism of the Truvelo team is the high-precision +/- 5mm cutting needed for the installation of loops and piezo-electric sensors.
Highway Electrical Registration Scheme approval means that all power and data connections are guaranteed to be standards-compliant and a place on the highly prestigious Crown Commercial Services TTAS framework permits UK public-sector bodies to procure from Truvelo by way of direct award as well as further competition.
Truvelo has redoubled its R&D efforts over the last few years, leading to some significant changes in the product and service offer, according to Calvin Hutt, Sales and Marketing Director.
“At the heart of things is our new Violation Management System [VMS]. This is a class-leading, open-architecture electronic back office which can handle all types of criminal and civil violations. It is offered as a Software as a Service solution and readily supports innovative concepts such as ACSW.
“VMS offers significantly more functionality than existing enforcement back office solutions and, because it is equipment-agnostic, a ready migration path for those looking to upgrade. It is already in service at locations around the world, proving its capabilities and helping to improve driver compliance and road safety.