ProLaser HOTA speed gun

Inductive Loop / Piezoelectric sensor installation

Piezoelectric sensors and Inductive Loop supply for traffic management and Automatic Traffic Counters.

Truvelo has been installing speed camera sites in the UK for 30 years. Each and every D-CAM site has piezoelectric sensors to enable the most accurate speed measurement; we have always carried piezoelectric and loop installation using our in-house personnel.

Truvelo is able to offer a nationwide service to supply and install Piezoelectric sensors and Inductive Loops for traffic management and data collection purposes.

Truvelo’s chosen Piezoelectric sensors are rated for 4 million axles. We have analysed long-term sensor maintenance and calculate a mean time between failure-rate of 50 years; so long as the sensors are embedded into a good road surface, we can expect many years of uptime. 

Truvelo is able to offer maintenance contracts for piezoelectric sensors and loops installed; this is effectively an extended warranty on the workmanship on any site installed for the duration of the maintenance contract. 

For expert advice or a consultation please contact us using the button below.