Spot speed enforcement is a proven and cost-effective solution to unsafe driving at identified accident blackspots. It helps to reduce and in many cases eradicate Killed and Seriously Injured casualties related to the inappropriate use of speed.
Spot speed is a more affordable solution than average speed enforcement systems, putting it within the financial reach of budget-constrained local authorities. Its specific role and enduring relevance in the eyes of road safety organisations are evidenced by the continuing digitalisation of accident blackspots previously serviced by earlier-generation analogue or earlier generation digital solutions camera systems; instead of removing the capability, road safety organisations are updating and retaining it.
Spot speed cameras form part of a proportional response to speeding. Deployments follow a recognised process which uses traffic/speed surveys to identify whether cameras are needed. They will often have been preceded by the use of other, softer speed mitigation measures such as Speed Information Display signs (SIDs).
Truvelo (UK) provides spot speed solutions, as well as the SIDs and traffic data collection solutions which support mitigation and speed surveys.
The spot speed products and SIDs interface readily with the company’s Violation Management System to provide a full end-to-end traffic violation and data management solution.

View Speed Enforcement Products
Many of Truvelo’s LASERcam 4 users, now in excess of 50% of UK police forces, are set to benefit from its brand new Fatal Five Enforcement Solution, FFES. "We’ve always done it this way” is no longer good enough. Truvelo can now empower road safety operations to consign legacy equipment and obsolete recordable media to the scrap heap.